A Message of Gratitude — Cody's Story
I just want to thank The Alyssa House for allowing us to stay here in this wonderful home...
We started our journey back in 2014. Cody has been in heart failure with severe arthritis and vasculitis since he was 14… His whole teenage life was taken from him. Cody was blessed with another chance in life six days after being put on the heart transplant list.
We had a big set back and Cody was in the hospital longer than we expected. They had to reopen him back up 7 weeks ago.
Our 4 weeks here have been amazing. The healing has begun and he’s been doing great. We call this our home away from home and it’s been a blessing knowing he’s not too far away from the hospital…
We want to thank the Divers family, the church, and of course their sweet girl Lexie for bring Easter Bunnies. My grandbabies loved them.
Our journey here is done. Now Cody gets to go home to graduate in June!
May the next family that comes here feel as welcome as we did! Thank you for sharing this home with our family!
Sincerely and always,
The Monto Family