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Aiden — Alyssa House Family Testimonial

“On July 21st 2019 our son Aiden was diagnosed with synovial sarcoma, a very rare soft tissue cancer. He had just turned 13.

“At time Aiden’s treatment became difficult, but he always came through it with a smile. We are so grateful for Dr. Domson, Aiden’s surgeon, and for Dr. Petersen and his team. They all did a great job.

"When our Aiden was diagnosed, we had no idea how we would manage staying in Charlottesville for his treatment at UVA Children's Hospital. We were then given the gift of The Alyssa House...

“A special thank you to The Alyssa House for making our stay in Charlottesville easier. There are no perfect words to express our gratitude. ... Thank you for your kindness and generosity"


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